How to leverage design trends without falling in the mainstream trap

When it comes to designing a space, it's easy to get caught up in the latest interior design trends. Following trends too closely can result in a space that lacks personality and feels like a carbon copy of every other design out there. Here are some tips on how to leverage interior design trends without falling in the mainstream trap for both residential and commercial projects.

Understand the trend

Before you start incorporating an idea into your project, take the time to understand it. Why is it popular? Could it be designer influenced? Some important points to consider are: does the trend have social and cultural references behind it or could it be influenced by fast fashion or pop culture?  

What are the key elements of the trend? Does it come with any innovative approaches or could  it align with the current aesthetics of the time? Other valuable points to bear in mind are: functionality, emotional appeal and sustainability.

Is it a passing fad or is it here to stay? Are there any timeless elements to the trend to give the overall style longevity and versatility so that it can be adapted to a variety of different spaces? Durability is also an important factor when establishing if a trend has a short lifespan or not.

By understanding the trend, you can make an informed decision about whether it is right for your space and your desired aesthetic.

Use trends as inspiration

Instead of copying a trend outright, use it as inspiration for your design. Take elements of the trend and incorporate them in unexpected ways. For example, if the trend is bold, graphic wallpaper, you could use a smaller scale version of the pattern on an accent wall or use it to line the back of a bookcase. Alternatively, if you wish to restyle the retro / bohemian trend in your design, you can do this tastefully by repurposing accessories of the time such as a record player.

By identifying the underlying design elements, you can use that to take inspiration from the trend and incorporate it with more timeless design elements.

Stay true to your desired aesthetic

Your personal style and preferences should serve as the guiding force behind your design choices. If you lean towards a more traditional look, don't feel pressured to force a trend that doesn't align with this. Instead, seek out opportunities to incorporate elements of the trend that seamlessly blend with your style.

Take the time to reflect on what truly resonates with you and what suits the unique aspects of your life. Consider the functionality and practicality of the trend within your daily routine. By doing so, you can strike a balance between staying current and ensuring your space remains a true reflection of your personality and needs. Remember, incorporating trends is not about blindly following what's popular, but rather finding ways to interpret them through your own lens. Trust your instincts and make deliberate choices that enhance your desired aesthetic.

Invest in timeless pieces

When it comes to interior design, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of trendy decor. However, investing in timeless pieces is a wise strategy to avoid falling into the mainstream trap. While trends may come and go, classic furniture pieces like a sofa or dining table possess an inherent timelessness that transcends fleeting fads. For example, a well-crafted sofa with clean lines and timeless upholstery can effortlessly adapt to changing styles and aesthetics. Similarly, a sturdy and versatile dining table can serve as a timeless centrepiece, accommodating various design directions.

One of the advantages of investing in timeless pieces is their adaptability to seasonal changes or evolving design preferences. Rather than replacing significant furniture items, you can refresh your space by incorporating trendy accessories, artwork, or accent pieces such as cushions or vases. These smaller, easily interchangeable elements allow you to infuse your space with the latest seasonal trends without committing to a complete overhaul.

Mix and match

Mixing and matching is an effective strategy to create a space that feels both personal and unique, while avoiding a mainstream look and feel. For instance, if the current trend leans towards a minimalist, Scandinavian look, you can infuse elements of industrial design to add depth and interest to the design.

Mixing different styles and trends opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to curate a design that reflects your personality. To avoid overworking or cluttering your space, it is best to retain a fairly neutral base palette, and then overlay various trends to infuse character and visual interest. Remember, the key to successful trend mixing is finding a balance between the various elements, sometimes contrasting. When executed right, this strategy can deliver incredible designs.

By following these tips, you can safely use design trends to your advantage without falling into the mainstream trap. It is crucial to stay true to your desired aesthetic, as this allows you to create a space that is uniquely personal. Do not forget to mix and match trends and invest in timeless pieces that withstand the test of time, adding longevity to your design. Be confident in your choices and don't be afraid to move away from trends that don't align with your vision. By staying true to your style while selectively incorporating trendy elements, you can achieve a harmonious and authentic design that stands the test of time.                

At Anamo Design Studio, we approach residential projects with a dynamic fusion of creativity and functionality, harnessing the power of design trends to craft spaces that resonate with a variety of lifestyles. Our process begins by understanding our clients' individual preferences and the unique character of their homes, followed by a detailed design process that blends trend-forward elements with timeless design principles. This enables us to create spaces that stand the test of time, offering our clients a truly transformative living experience that is both trend-conscious and complementing their aesthetic.

For more information contact us via email or by phone +44 (0) 203 488 4892.

Image References:

  1. Albades Hotel

  2. Domino

  3. Live like it's the weekend

  4. West of Main

  5. Market by Modern Nest

  6. Soho Home


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